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5.0 Overall Rating

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    These pants are so beautiful. I have like 2 other pairs of wool trousers I love them so much. I obviously have to get them tailored as these are for tall people but that’s fine with me. The brand in general is pretty great with high quality materials.

    Jayda Z.
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    Great fit, very long

    The drape in these pants are fantastic, and very flattering. So nice to have pants that are long enough!! For all my tall ladies, these are very very long!

    Aidan C.
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    Great pants. Love everything about it

    Silvia R.
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    They are so glamorous — very billowy and a little itchy, but super chic. They are super long so shorter ladies be weary!

    Paige L. H.
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    Very soft and flattering. Love these pants.

    Kristen G.
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